Newsletter October 2016 - What's Happening in FNQ


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margaret -- 

Welcome to our newsletter for October 2016. Here is a summary of what we are up to.


Come and join us at our stall on Sunday 23rd October from 10am

FoE FNQ Kuranda FestivalWe will have information and fun activities about the issues we care about

Barron River Water Quality
Write a letter to your counsellor asking for the water to be tested for concerning contaminants

Residential Bore Water Quality
Get your bore water tested

Sign a petition to STOP KURworld

Wildlife Rescue
Donate to help Bat Rescuers

Cassowary Keystone Conservation
Sign the petition 

Reuse, Reduce Recycle
Make tags and signs to remind you to take your own bags to the shops and to stop getting junk mail.

Do you want recycling in the Kuranda shopping areas?

Next to us will be Sleeping Mats for the Homeless. They are also supporting plastic bag awareness. Join in and cut up and reconnect some plastic bags to make 'plarn' and crochet it into mats.

CONTACT MARGARET to go on the roster to staff the stall :) 0403-21-4422 - or just rock up!


BARRON drinking water - unknownWe do not know what is in the water that we are meant to drink. 

The water is only tested for certain contaminants. The Barron River is a runoff for intensive farming where 1000s of chemicals are used. 

We want to know what we are drinking.

We want the Mareeba Shire Council to test the water for the pesticides and other pollutants that flow into our Water Supply and out to the reef.

Click here for more information and to Ask the Council to test for Pollutants in the Barron.


arsenic_bottole.jpgRESIDENTIAL BORE WATER Found Contaminated with Arsenic in Koah area

Preliminary testing of bores in the Koah area have found arsenic levels are above acceptable standards.

Read more HERE

If you want to be more involved in this investigation and campaign SIGN UP HERE and we'll contact you.

or contact Nadine to get directly involved or to get your bore water tested.
Phone: 4085 0054


Stop KURworldDisplay this bumper sticker to show your support for the STOP KURworld campaign. Collect one at the Kuranda Festival or contact us.

KURworld ClearingThe proposed development will destroy critical links between local species' habitats - including the endangered Cassowaries and the Kuranda Tree Frog.This is just one of the reasons that Friends of the Earth are opposed to the proposed development. 

You can watch videos and make a survey response HERE, about what you think 


PRescued Spectacled Flying Fox with babyaralysis Tick Season for Bats
October to December is Paralysis ticks season. The ticks kill 100's of Spectacled Flying Foxes every year. Please DONATE to purchase much-needed anti-toxin and to help care for the babies while the parents recover.

Read more at and... 




The Impacts of Roaming Dogs: a Video Slideshow

"I lived with wild cassowaries as frequent visitors to my property on a regular basis for 25 years. In February 2015 a pack of roaming dogs trespassed into my home and life. The impacts were fatal for at least seven of the cassowaries I knew and loved. This is my story but not my story alone all over the the Wet Tropic wildlife is being killed by roaming Domestic Predatory Animals. WARNING some of the photos may distress.

"Watch my story..."   Ingrid Marker


Upcycled shopping bags Make a difference at home
At the Kuranda Festival stall FoE FNQ will have examples of goods that can replace plastic.
Check out
-Bamboo Toothbrushes,
-Cloth Nappies, 
-Bees wax wraps - to replace cling wrap

Get some ideas for recycled craft
Planters made from tin cans, wallets made from milk cartons, UpCycled shopping bags. 

Remember to take your own shopping bags
Make your own signs and tags from recycled plastic containers to remind you to take you own bags to the supermarket.
Bring along a plastic butter container to UpCycle

Recycling rates are UP in Kuranda due to the Recycling Station in town
Concerned citizens had a big win and gained easier access to Recycling with a Station in Arara Street Kuranda. 

We have had reports that the rate of recycling in Kuranda is increasing with the bins filling up quicker each week. 
Still some people are dumping cardboard, plastic bags and household rubbish which cannot be recycled.

Don't Waste the Waste
Most of the recyclables in the Shire get trucked down the range to the Advanced Resource Recovery Facility with our household rubbish to go through the composting process then trucked back up the range to Landfill.  

TAKE THE NEXT STEP!  Do you think it is about time we had recycling bins in Kuranda's shopping areas? 

Monthly meeting and AGM

The AGM will be held at the next meeting on November 13th at the Kuranda Neighbourhood Centre from 6pm, bring some food to share.

Friends of the Earth Far North Queensland


Friends of the Earth Australia · Australia 
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