Call for Renewable Energy and Thriving Nature

Contact the Queensland premier today to help protect our beautiful wildlife and call for a sustainable transition from fossil fuels. Demand a just transition to renewables with better planning - so that nature is able to thrive, and deforestation is avoided.

You might like to make all or some of the following points when you write to or phone Queensland Premier Steven Miles. (Contact details: PO Box 15185 CITY EAST QLD 4002 Phone: (07) 3719 7000 Email:  [email protected].) 

 If you have time, it's even better to use your own words:

  • Rapid action is needed to stop burning fossil fuels and to mitigate climate change. However, it is becoming apparent that some wind, solar and hydro-electric power stations are being built in the wrong place, at the wrong scale in areas of high biodiversity in Queensland.

  • Some of this land clearing is along remote ridges, home to vulnerable or endangered species such as the magnificent brood frog, Sharman's rock wallaby, the koala, the greater glider and the northern quoll.
  • The public submission time for the review of the Wind Farm Code (State Code 23) closed 6 months ago but still no changes have been made.

  • Call on the Queensland government to strengthen state planning regulations.

  • The transition to more sustainable energy production should avoid producing the same environmental and social damage wreaked by the present system.

  • This transition to renewables can only provide a safer world for our children if it is part of a more socially equitable, degrowth economy that addresses the unresolved issues of Land Rights, ongoing loss of biodiversity including deforestation, and poverty in Queensland.


Thank you!

Sharman's rock wallaby Petrogale sharmani

Sharman's Rock wallaby Petrogale sharmani listed as vulnerable, endemic to small area in between Townsville and Cairns. Favoured habitat of P. sharmani includes boulder piles, rocky slopes, cliffs and gorges and gullies in open forest or tropical woodlands with a grassy understorey .

Photo credits- Steven Nowakowski